I appear to be reading *all of the books*

 Welcome to day 2 of my new blogging life, wherein I intend to go on a ramble/rant/introspective out-loud monologue style discussion of my reading habits? Whatever we call it, I'm sure lots there are loads of people out there who can relate to the issue of wanting to read ALL of the books right now, immediately, at the same time. After all, there are just so many books... and so little time. Even if you're a sponge on society who sits on her arse all day doing absolutely nothing productive whatsoever*

*whoops, I mean disabled/chronically ill person, who is doing her damn best damn it. I need to be kinder to myself, I really do.

My "currently reading" shelf... currently

So, here I am. Twelve books on my "currently reading" and a TBR list that's unrelenting.

I started questioning myself about it recently. Am I really "reading" twelve books? Can I honestly concentrate on that many stories at once? Am I letting myself down as a reader, piling on story after story for no real reason, except an inability to concentrate and stroooong sense of boredom (here my sister jumps in yelling "ADHD, ADHD!"... yes, fine, maybe. But we're ignoring that for the moment).

If I were watching a dozen different TV shows, no one would blink an eye at that. I wouldn't question myself at all, would I? Think about it - add up the list of soaps, reality TV, serial dramas, sitcoms, etc, that you're sitting down to week by week. I bet it's a lot. Why are we expected to only be reading one book at a time? MAYBE two, if one is non-fiction, of course. Nonsense.

So, here I am, hopping back and forth, and forth and back, from novel, to graphic novel, to shorts, to audiobooks... And I think it's fine. I'm enjoying myself. I'm not sitting around doing nothing and quietly giving in to the insanity of it all. I'm getting lost in fictional worlds, and non-fictional stories alike, and I can pick and choose which one to go into whenever I like.

How about you? What's your currently reading adding up to right now? Do you feel guilty when you cheat on your current novel? Why?

P.S. just a little note down here to add a caveat I can't let go unsaid. I wrote this post in a few minutes, while feeling pretty self-conscious about my whole currently-reading situation, and my challenge to post every day. I've not taken the time to come back and do any edits or rewrites. This is my rambly nonsense in its raw form


  1. I also have a horrifically long "to read" list! I don't read as much as I used to, but I really want to get back into the habit.

    I tend to not read more than two books at a time (usually only one) - if I jump into a third one it probably means I'm not returning to one of the previous ones. I don't feel guilty for reading things concurrently, but I do sometimes feel guilty for abandoning a book halfway.

    I'm currently reading Waiting for the Barbarians but I only enjoyed the beginning of it, the rest feels like a slog. I've got Crash by JG Ballard lined up next which I am EXCITED BY.

    Don't worry about writing raw, unedited stuff (easier said than done...) I think it's more important to get into the habit of writing, mess around, and just enjoy the act of writing.

    1. Oh my gosh, thank you so much for being my first commentor! And thanks for the words of encouragement :-D

      I totally get you about abandoning halfway. I've got better at this recently, though; I try to remind myself "you're reading for enjoyment and not a job"!

  2. Such a good start. I stop at around 4 as I forget where I am otherwise......


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