A day in the life of... Wait, I'll finish this title later

A day in the life of... Wait, I'll finish this title later

I jerk awake - Taylor Swift is yelling some garbled nonsense at me about writing my name on something-or-other. What is happening? Flooded with confusion and annoyance, I wish she'd shut the hell up! Slowly, painfully, it dawns on me that it is morning and Taylor Swift is not, in fact, in my room singing at the top of her voice but my alarm is sounding - playing music that I asked it to play, at the time at which it was instructed. Snooze. Close my eyes. Swear to myself I'll just take a moment to compose myself, definitely not fall back asleep.

All of a sudden OK Go are taking their turn to scream at me and... oh, of course. Morning, alarm, waking up - I'm a bit quicker to catch on this time...

Several rude awakenings later, I've somehow peeled myself off of the bed and made it downstairs, I find myself glancing over at my laptop - then quickly glancing literally anywhere else in the room. I'll get writing as soon as I've got a coffee and bowl of cereal in me; need to fuel up and stimulate the ol' brain space before I get started.

Eating a hearty bowl of Weetabix I find myself power-singing "I will survive" at the top of my lungs. That's how we start the day right. One quick game of matching up random coloured blocks of light on the tiny computer in my hand then we'll get started. Ok, one more game. Juuuuuuuust one last game. 9:47, is that the time? Right, perfect, it's nearly 10. 10 sounds like a fantastic time to get writing. Everyone loves a good round, on-the-hour time to get right down to a task, don't we? Yes, that's a plan. Well done, Kirsty, you're so good at planning. 10/10 planning skills. Just finish this level aaaaand... 10:03?? How did that happen? Ok, no panic, that's fine. 10.15 is just as good a time as any to really get cracking, as we all know.

*times passes*

Oh for the love of... Kirsty, scold myself, it is gone midday you HAVE to get down to writing.

Ok, That is... today's attempt at, well, the beginning of a short story. I wimped out partway in, clearly. Well, it's a bit of a cheat - as the more observant among you may have noticed this is basically just a retelling of my morning, attempting to do some writing. I want to carry it on for the whole day (or, at least until I get to the actual writing?) but got worried that it is just going to get very repetitive. What do you think? Could this go on to be a story? Should I ditch the whole thing? Should I just be writing it because damn it all this is my blog and I just need to write ANYTHING and this will do.

Aaaaanyhow. That's me for today. Signing off as "Trifling Storyettes" because we all know that one needs to rebrand at least every single week in this day and age.

Until tomorrow!


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