Hello, is there anybody out there?

 Hello and welcome. If you're reading this and you're not my sister or mother... wowzer! Thanks so much for being here.

I'm going to use this blog as a place to share some more longform thoughts about books, reading, being a person who reads - all that jazz - as well as to share some short fiction that I am finally going to force myself to write. Big shout out to my sister for prompting me to do this!

I'll be aiming to get something up and posted on this blog every single day, be it a piece of flash fiction, something longer I've been working on, my ramblings about some books I've been reading, or just my ramblings about what bloody hard work it is to make yourself write something on a blog every single day. We shall see.

The first story I'm sharing is a little piece of flash fiction that I wrote in a burst of inspiration months ago, then found I was too terrified to show anyone. "A Criminal" was inspired by a real memory I have of my own criminal tendencies and it was a real relief to get my first story committed to (digital) paper, however short it may be. Enjoy and please be kind 😅


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