Flash fiction story - Zero-sum game

Here's a little story I wrote a while back for a flash fiction competition. It was a 50 word limit at the time and I really struggled getting it into that, so I've edited it to add a bit of length.

It's a silly little idea that just came to me lying in bed one night and has no potential to be expanded into any lengthier fiction but I enjoyed getting it down.

So, here it is:

Life is a zero-sum game 
Ella looks thoughtful for a moment, before saying "Why is it that whenever I hit a high I feel like I'm immediately dragged crashing back to earth?". Ash "Mm-hmm"s in acknowledgement, adding "And we can never reach the high together. Every time You are on the up I'm always on my way down. Why is that?" 

The pair continue philosophising back and forth for a time, until an impatient stranger cuts in, "You've been on the see-saw for ages, it's our turn now!"



  1. I enjoyed that! I've written a few 100 word story before, but less than that is extra tricky.

    1. It's solid! 100 is hard, 50 is a nightmare. Try it!


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